WISCA’s ten things we can learn from our pets.

Animals can be our greatest teachers. Animals want to play, learn and explore. Play is a basic human need too.


1. If you love someone, let them know.
Showing emotion makes us feel special and is infectious. So be like a puppy, don’t hold back, show it and share it.

2. Be present.
Animals live in the moment, not thinking about the past or the future – their happiness is tied up in their reality. Studies show that people who practice mindfulness,experience more contentment than those with wandering or overthinking minds.

3. Forgive.
One of the noblest traits of an animal is the ability to forgive. So many pets are rescued from situations that have scarred them, yet they are easily able to trust a new human who offers them love. The heaviness of anger or holding a grudge can manifest in physical disease, so it’s in our best interest to be like our pets – quick to trust and slow to be resentful.

4. Less multi-tasking.
When a pet has a task, they give it their undivided attention. We experience better memory and sense of accomplishment when we concentrate on one thing at a time and don’t juggle too much.

5. Exercise and Stretch.
Nature existed before pharmacies, so ‘movement is medicine’ is not new to the animal kingdom and our pets instinctively keep active and stretch to release pent up energy and shake off the blues. Resting, Netflix and social media, sadly don’t give us the workout we need.

6. Play and enrichment.
Animals want to play, learn and explore. Play is a basic human need too and enhances creativity and problem-solving, so we need to make time for activities that are fun and stimulating.

7. Drink Water.
Animals love water and drink like their lives depend on it, because well, they do. Every cell in the animal and human body needs water for optimal function and dehydration manifests in so many ways including headaches, muscle stiffness and brain sluggishness. Be like your pet, choose water as your energy drink.

8. Spend time in nature.
A change of scenery does wonders, your dog knows it, your cat knows it, so when life becomes too overwhelming, escape into nature. A drive in the country, walk in the forest or stroll on the beach benefits the body, mind and soul and puts a new perspective on things.

9. Practice self care.
Animals keep themselves groomed and nap when they’re tired. One of the signs of a sick animal is lack of self-grooming and when we don’t look after ourselves, it’s a sign that something is not right. Good hygiene and taking pride in our appearance and surroundings is vital to self-esteem and has many positive effects in all aspects of life.

10. Good Vibes.
Dogs and cats are experts at reading body language, taking cues from each other and humans, and giving off a vibe to others. When we learn to read the signs, their intentions are obvious and the same is true for human relationships. The more we take notice of the body language of others and act accordingly, the more harmony we will have in our interactions with people.

Animals can be our greatest teachers. If we put ourselves in their paws and see things through their eyes, we may find that life can be a whole lot simpler, healthier and happier.

Glenda Gouws, WISCA Animal Advocate.


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