We have been caring for all the animals on Waiheke Island for over 50 years.

Welfare & Rehoming

WISCA has an unwavering focus on caring for all the animals on Waiheke Island. Providing welfare to animals in need, and rehoming animals that need our help are both very important aspects of the work we do.

We provide animal welfare advice, rescue and rehoming services for the animals and pet owners of the Waiheke Island community. Our services can be accessed 5 days a week from Monday to Friday, 10.00am - 4.00pm.

Please help us make a difference to Waiheke animals by donating now.


Waiheke Lost & Found Pets

You can also visit the Waiheke Lost and Found Pets Facebook page for real-time updates of missing animals, and watch our video below for advice on what you should do if your pet goes missing. 

And remember, microchipping your pet is ALWAYS a good idea!